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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Strategies To Shop At Online Auctions

A penny auction is an online auction that charges it's users by per bid they place. Because these are pre-paid kind of bids, the cost of items is usually very low, almost 90% lower than the actual market price of the auctioned item of auction.

The problems users face while bidding at an online auction is that they end up paying more than they actually had to or they end up losing the auction, mainly because they aren’t aware of the following strategies to shop at online auctions:

1. Track Your Bidding

Keep a close check of the items for which you’ve placed a bid against. Monitor the price, the bids you’ve placed, and the online auction ending time in a spreadsheet or a notepad. If you feel that the items’ price is reasonable, involve in the bidding war, but if the item’s price exceeds its retail limit, stop bidding.

2. Obtain Free Bids

Many online bidding websites offer reward in the form of free bids if you refer their website to some friend. Some even offer free bids upon registering with them. Therefore, obtain free bids without spending money and the item winning will become more fun for you.

3. Set You Bidding Limit

For every item you place a bid on, establish a bidding limit and never exceed it. The online action will prevent you from being swept away from your budget limit and will also save you from befalling a bidding war.

4. Wait For the Right Bidding Time

If you see more than two people bidding on the same item, hold your bids and wait till the moment until just two are left. This will help you in two ways, firstly it’ll relieve your competition, and secondly it’ll stress out the two battling bidders and give you a chance to place the winning bid.

The above mentioned strategies don’t boast to be the ultimate winning strategies, but they sure do increase your winning chances to a great extent.

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